On March 28, 2023, legendary Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away from his battle with cancer. In the final stages of his life, with touring and solo shows now impossible due to his health battle, the maestro wanted to perform for the world one final time.
Shot by Ryuichi’s son Neo Sora and armed only with a stage and his legendary Yamaha grand piano, Ryuchi performed a carefully curated selection of 21 songs for the final time. Shot in an intimate black and white, Sora captures the master’s swansong with breathtaking intimacy and emotion.
The master’s final performance is a truly one of its kind cinematic experience. Having selected the songs and running order himself, the master artist performs one film time, leaving the world with this opus.
Vale Ryuichi Sakamoto San. (January 17, 1952 – March 28, 2023)
Neo Sora
103 MIN
Official Selection: 80th Venice International Film Festival
Official Selection: New York Film Festival
Official Selection: BFI London Film Festival
‘A glorious final performance.’
‘A uniquely affecting last will & testament.’
Slant Magazine
‘I urge you to show up for a man saying goodbye in a way that only he can.’
‘A stunning send-off for a beloved virtuoso.’
Screening as part of ACMI's Best Films of 2024 Program.
Final Screening: Monday January 20 | 6.30pm.
Tickets here